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Opening Minds
Key Information

Opening Minds

We learn life skills through Opening Minds.

"Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success!" Martha Stewart

Opening Minds

At WEPA we develop life skills using the Opening Minds competencies. The aim of Opening Minds is to provide the children with the richest learning experience possible and to equip them with the life skills they will need to succeed in secondary school, higher education and life in today’s rapidly changing world. Competency teaching will help give pupils the opportunity to put their curriculum learning into a meaningful context, enriched with memorable experiences. 

The children will acquire:

  • Practical knowledge – learning how to do things;
  • Social knowledge – learning the values and practices of groups and communities;
  • Self-knowledge – understanding themselves as learners and extending their ability to learn;
  • Experiential learning – relating their knowledge and its uses to their lives and environments.

