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We are Daring Designers!

“You design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown!” Norman Foster

DT Gallery

Intent Statement

Design and Technology at Wood End Park Academy gives students the opportunity to explore the steps involved during a product's development. Starting with market research, pupils identify similar products already on the market, allowing them to develop a knowledge base of existing products they can draw inspiration from. Students are then taught skills related to the design area of choice via a series of learning questions (lessons), before generating their own design ideas through class discussion, annotated sketches, exploded diagrams and product prototyping. Throughout the process students are encouraged to try new things and make mistakes; they are taught that mistakes are not failures but an opportunity to learn and get better. They are then expected to critique and self-reflect on their work, an important skill as they transition into Key Stage 3 learning. Additionally, as part of the design curriculum, children at WEPA are also taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating which will allow them to instil a love of cooking crucial for later life. 

Year 3 Making Healthy Wraps

We asked the children how they felt learning DT...