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We are Handy Historians!

“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future!” Theodore Roosevelt

History Intent

We use History to maximise opportunities for pupils to make connections especially
in relation to different time periods. They will develop empathy, knowing how people
in the past must have felt. This will shape an appreciation for today. Pupils will
understand how a past shapes a present and a future. We will nurture a sense of
the British values, equality and diversity the role and impact of women and men and
citizenship as we explore the values of differing rulers. Last but not least, an intent
of our History Curriculum will be to enable our pupils to be good critical thinkers
who can evaluate too e.g. the sources they handle.

Year 3 Trip to Verulamium Museum

Annual History Day

History Enquiry

We asked the children how they felt learning History...