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We are Passionate about PSHE!

"The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands!" Anne Frank

PSHE for Life: In Addition to our Lessons


WEPA pupils have lessons on a current or topical matter to then take a vote on

PSHE Gallery

Personal, Social and Health Education Intent

Through PSHE we create opportunities for our learners to recognise the importance of global citizenship, preparing them to become active members of society and for their future beyond Wood End Park Academy. We encourage our children to be empathetic when considering the challenges faced by themselves and others around them. Within PSHE, we also ensure that our children are equipped with the tools they need to keep themselves safe such as: e-safety, social boundaries, life skills and by helping them to understand what bullying is and how to help prevent it. To embrace the changes with their bodies, we prepare our pupils with the scientific, age-appropriate terminology. 

In addition, we teach the importance of charity through each year group. Opening Minds is a philosophy that we adhere to that helps our children to build resilience and regulate their emotions to enhance their well-being and mental health. As a result, our children build strong, healthy, positive relationships which foster a sense of independence, tolerance and acceptance modelled across our school community. This helps our children to increase their understanding of intersectionality; moreover their perception of the sociopolitical landscape around them with the use of Votes for Schools.

By the time they leave WEPA, children will have developed a personal understanding of who they are in the world, the impact they have on each other and ways to evolve and adapt within the ever-changing surroundings.

We asked our children how they feel learning PSHE...

Examples of Awe and Wonder