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We are Super Scientists!

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental
emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein

EYFS Science

Science Gallery

Science Intent

In science, we are able to address our learners’ curiosity because we explore and answer their questions about scientific processes and concepts using a range of enquiry skills: prediction, investigation, collecting evidence, conclusions. Children will also develop an awareness and understanding of how the world works around us. We embed a deep understanding of the impact science has had on our lives in the past, present and future. 

We will develop skills of debating as pupils have opportunities to discuss and value different viewpoints, allowing science to further develop pupil’s vocabulary. Resilience is built through the offer of investigative and reflective work. We also use science to allow children to apply their learning through other subjects such as by using mathematical skills to record and present data. 

Depth of knowledge is instilled through the trips and visitors we provide children with. We understand that science helps children raise their aspirations and can inspire the choices they make in their life choices.

(created with teachers)

We asked the children how they felt learning Science...