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We are Writing Wizards!

"If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write!" Martin Luther

Writing Intent

At Wood End Park Academy pupils will think like authors. They will be able to produce creative writing and refine their work so it is of the best possible standard. Writing will be produced for a range of purposes and audiences including quality writing across the curriculum. Pupils will see their writing skills as a way of communicating across the entire curriculum. Pupils will use the Nelson Handwriting Scheme to ensure that work is always well presented and pupils will take pride in their written work in all subjects. Effectively verbal rehearsal sessions will allow pupils to access and use a range of vocabulary and this will be evident in the adventurous and effective vocabulary choices in their writing. Pupils will develop a range of strategies for spelling words correctly and these will be evident in all writing lessons. Targets and next steps will be provided to pupils based on the Writing Standards for their year group. Pupils will fully understand their targets and be encouraged and inspired to use them in their written work in order to improve.

Mrs Murphy: English Lead

Handwriting at WEPA