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Family Support Worker

Family Support Worker

In our Safeguarding Team, we have a Family Support Worker who can help any of our families with a range of issues or concerns they may have. She can also update you on situations you may need to be aware of that our young people are being exposed to. 

‘I cherish working with parents and the local community and even attended Wood End Park Academy (WEPA) myself as a child!  I have lived in the Botwell area for over 50 years and have worked at WEPA for over 20 years now.  I have vast experience with many generations of pupils and parents. 

I have been a Family Support Worker for approximately 7 years supporting families and children here at the Academy.  I also work with Botwell Community Police to assist them in addressing concerns we may have in the local area.

I help families with problems that may affect them, such as: parenting issues, sibling issues, anti-social behaviour, housing, behaviour etc.  I also help to support our young carers at the Academy and will support in making referrals. I am here to guide, advise and support! 

I am a very approachable person.  I will always be available to help if you should need it.  If you need someone to talk to or listen to any concerns you might have, please do come and see me. I am at the KS1 gates each morning and at the end of the day. 
 I will also be present at the Half Termly Information Sessions that we run to ensure our families at Wood End Park have the most up-to-date information in order to keep your child safe and smart. I hope to see you there! ’

Miss Sue Wigglesworth – Family Support Worker