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Academy Priorities
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Academy Priorities

Other Foci for Wood End Park Academy

  • Standards in Early Years (nursery and reception) are excellent. Pupils achieve above the national average. If your child is joining our reception or nursery then welcome! You are in good hands.
  • Year 1 pupils achieve above the national average in their phonics
  • Year 2 pupils achieve above or in line with the national averages for reading, writing and maths. Excellence again!
  • Year 6 pupils performed impressively in writing, maths and grammar.

A continued focus has to be the reading comprehension our children do. Pupils are leaving year 6 not being able to answer all the comprehension questions in their assessments. 

This is where we need your help. 

Each day, your child should read from their reading book. 
Let us know if the book is too difficult or too easy. 
Let us know if the book has not been changed frequently enough. 
Encourage your child to move through the Star Reader Scheme.

Ensure your child takes their Accelerated Reader test. 

Pupils from Years 3, 4 5 and 6, need improved progress in their reading.

The academy website has lots of comprehension questions linked to popular books. Go to: 'Helping At Home'. Scroll down to 'Reading' 

You can ask your child to answer these questions by borrowing the book from the school. 

Talk to your child about their reading book. The best questions to ask:

  • Who is the main character? What is this character like? Where is the evidence in the book to back up what you are saying?
  • What is the best part in the book? Why do you like this part? Show me the exact phrases you liked. 
  • Is the author a good writer? Show me some good phrases the author has used. Why are these good phrases?

Do ensure your child is reading a range of books by visiting the local library to borrow books regularly. 

Any suggestions from parents to support Reading Mission – then please do share! 

I look forward to your continued and valued support. 

Ms Surjeet Johra

We are even Reading Outside!

Committed to Pupils catching up in their Learning