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Celebrating Geography​​​​​​​
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Celebrating Geography​​​​​​​

On 28th June, we opened our doors to host a Geography Exhibition. Each year group showcased their Geography learning and set up activities for families to take part in. People were painting flags in Reception; sorting Geographical features, animals; using maps to locate countries; guessing where food, items of clothing were from and taking part in competitions- who can find the most rivers in a set amount of time? Everyone enjoyed the day and some of our parents said: "It was great for us to come into the school and see the classrooms and learning! We always picture what they are doing and now we know!" "I can't believe how much they are learning- especially Year 5 on the chrome books. My older daughter did this in Secondary school!" Some of our children said: "I loved Reception because we got to paint flags- this is where my gran is from." "Year 5 was fun and I can't wait to learn on the chrome books."