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Vision Statement​​​​​​​
Key Information

Vision Statement​​​​​​​

We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to access musical education. Therefore every year group are taught the skills how to play at least one instrument in particular, during their music lessons.

Reception pupils have weekly singing assemblies and will be introduced to percussion in these assemblies.

  • Year 1: Singing Assemblies and music lessons
  • Year 2: Singing Assemblies and music lessons
  • Year 3: 
  • Year 4 : Tudor Music, African drumming
  • Year 5: Piano, Singing and Drums
  • Year 6: Singing and composition lessons.

Music is an universal language for every child to access, including those with Special Educational Needs and for every talented child to be given the opportunity to exceed.

Children will be taught how to read and write notes on the stave, compose, use ICT in Music, evaluate performances, movement and how to look after instruments.
Singing is a highly important feature, with singing assemblies taking place regularly. Music teaching will begin with the musical interests of the children and scaffold to introduce World Music, Historical and Classical.

Lesson Planning will topically link with other subjects, in particular Maths and English.

We also believe that every child should be given the opportunity to share their learning in class via assemblies, concerts, federation events and performances within the wider community.

Extra curricular clubs are also available and include choir, keyboard, ukulele and violin.

You can see that Music is a valued subject at our academy! Any questions regarding our Music Offer, please do not hesitate to ask to speak to me via the front office.

Mr S Chakraborty:  Music Teacher