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Girls Football
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Girls Football

On Tuesday 26th April 2022 WEPA girls football team had their first competitive game against Cranford Park Academy. This was a Park Federation cup game, meaning if we won this we would play the winners out of WDA & LFPA. 

The girls were so excited but very professional with their calmness and approach to this game. Myself and Mr Atwell gave simple advice and instructions: to enjoy themselves and play hard as a team.

We were blown away with the girls response. The passing and player positioning on the pitch was exceptional. With added skills and great shooting accuracy, from a few of the girls in particular this shone. We were  8-1 up at half time!!

The commitment shown was excellent and we passed, moved and finished our shots to eventually winning the game 12-1. 

Myself and Mr Atwell were very proud of the girls result. Now onto the next game. 

Mr Skipp