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Early Reading​​​​​​​
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Early Reading​​​​​​​

At Wood End Park Academy our fundamental aim is to teach every child to read accurately and fluently and to be enthused about reading for pleasure. Reading underpins children’s access to learning and so, through the delivery of our reading curriculum, we ensure a consistent and robust teaching of early reading and phonics. We ensure that phonics sessions, which are delivered from Nursery in small focused groups and activities, are of the highest possible standard and adapted to our pupils attainment and progress.  Children are provided with books that match and support their phonics development and ability which they are encouraged to read regularly at home with an adult and in school. Staff read regularly with and to children in order to develop an awareness and passion for a range of text types including stories, poems and information books. This helps to extend children’s vocabulary and comprehension, as well as supporting their writing. All classrooms have attractive book corners where the children can access a wide range of books, both fiction and non-fiction to help embed their love of books, stories and reading.

