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Super Scientist Checklist


  • I understand how Science has changed our lives and is important to the world’s future.
  • I can show my enquiry skills when planning and conducting an investigation (e.g. clear method, sensible prediction, analyse evidence).
  • I can explain what is happening scientifically.
  • I can predict what I think will happen.
  • I can analyse causes (what caused something to happen?)
  • I can use scientific language and vocabulary accurately.
  • I can apply mathematical knowledge to my Science (e.g. collecting, presenting, analysing evidence).
  • I can explain my findings clearly using scientific vocabulary and evidence to back up my points.


  • I understand how Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future.
  • I can show my enquiry skills when planning and conducting an investigation (e.g. clear method, sensible prediction, analyse evidence).
  • I can explain what is occurring scientifically.
  • I can predict how things will behave.
  • I can analyse causes (what caused something to happen?)
  • I can use scientific language and vocabulary accurately.
  • I can apply mathematical knowledge to my Science (e.g. collecting, presenting, analysing evidence).
  • I can explain my findings clearly using scientific vocabulary and evidence to back up my points.