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Autumn 1 2022

Are actions more important than words?

Can the fashion industry slow down its impact on the environment?

Do you feel comfortable with change?

Is it a good time to become Prime Minister?

Summer 2

Are we accepting of different ways of life?

Should everyone deal with big emotions in the same way?

Has there been positive change in schools since the protests of 2020?

Will seeing more LGBT+ relationships help stop prejudice?

Summer 1

Should you go on school trips?

Are you comfortable talking about loneliness?

Is sport the right place for raising awareness?

Is it right that the Prime Minister kept his job after breaking lockdown rules?

Spring 2 Results

Should all animals be treated the same? (KS2) | Are we kind enough to animals? (KS1)

Are labels helpful for neurodiversity? (KS2) | Does everyone learn differently? (KS1)

Have recent films challenged stereotypes of women & girls?

Is it useful to keep up with the news? (KS2) | Should children keep up with the news?

Should a question be easy to answer?

Spring 1 Results

Is the internet bad for relationships? (KS2) | Is the internet bad for friendships? (KS1)

Do punishments work?

Should voting be made easier? (KS2) | Do you know why we vote? (KS1)

Should all children learn about coping with loss & bereavement at school? (KS2)

Is space tourism a good idea? (KS2) | Would you go on holiday to space? (KS1)

Is January the best time to try new things?