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More about Reception
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More about Reception

Welcome to Reception!

'Welcome to Reception. We wish to  share our vision and hopes for the pupils who are beginning their exciting journeys with us in September. 

Our fundamental goal for our children is to develop a love for learning and to ignite within them a sense of curiousity and passion that will follow our pupils through their academic and professional careers. 

Reception is an unique and special year in children's lives and at Wood End Park Academy, one that is not easily forgotten! Our exciting trips, educational visits and memorable experiences will set the building blocks for successful learning and nurture growth within our pupils. Core skills such as problem-solving, resilience, exploration and effective communication will be continually developed through play, quality interactions and focussed lesson inputs. At the heart of our provision is children's happiness and wellbeing, and through this comes the excellent learning that we see year-on-year. 

My heart fills with joy as I welcome you into our warm and thriving learning environment. I am confident that we will have a wonderful year and together shape the future of our little learners. 

We look forward to meeting you all very soon'

Family Learning Programme

The Family Learning Programs are workshops with parents/carers which are held every half term. These workshops cover a range of themes and topics and show parents/carers what their child is learning in school and how they can support their learning at home. The program is made as interactive as possible which in turn provides the parents/carers with a range of resources that can support them to work with their child at home.

Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.