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Well Being Ambassadors
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Well Being Ambassadors

Well Being Ambassadors at WEPA

At Wood End Park Academy , we make sure every child is happy through supporting the emotional, health and well being of our pupils.

Each class has a well being ambassador to empower a group of young people to lead wellbeing initiatives that provide peer to peer support in our school.

We understand that certain life experiences can make pupils and staff vulnerable and they may need additional emotional support. We ensure pupils and staff have the right support available to them to ensure they enjoy their experience at WEPA.

The role of the Wellbeing Ambassador

The role of the Wellbeing Ambassador was decided by the team and is listed below:

1) To spread happiness and peace throughout the school.

2) To welcome new children and staff to the school.

3) To be kind, caring and helpful towards others.

4) To always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

The well being ambassadors take a lead on their classes feelings and emotions and check with each child each morning and place them on our well being chart. From this, they know who to support each day to ensure everyone is feeling happy and safe in school! In addition, each class has a well being charter created with the class to promote the well being.

Our Well Being Ambassadors

Well Being Charters


Well Being Checks